Hi! I'm Diane Metcalf

I want to help you begin recovering from unsupportive or toxic relationships and emotional wounding. Learn how to end people-pleasing, set limits, and start nurturing yourself!

Lemon Moms 3-Book Series
Author of: The Lemon Moms Series

Why you can't please her, why she withholds love and affection, and why nothing you do is good enough. Why you can't win.

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A Mini Guide- The HALT Method of Self-care (and Bonus: How to Set Boundaries)

Did you know that when you let yourself stay hungry, angry, isolated or run down, you no longer have the ability to think clearly or make good choices? The HALT method is a quick, easy way to check in and see what we need in the moment to take care of ourselves. Take care!

The HALT Method for Selfcare

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